
>> October 15th | Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. 


Seven is our number.  Seven of the most celebrated, sacred pieces of our story.  Adam and I have been given 7 precious, wanted, beloved new lives, and every other one was called back to our Savior.  Two miscarriages and our Maggie Girl born so still at 31 weeks.  I know so many sisters, near and far, with their own stories of loss.  Some are spoken, others remain silent.  Some have weathered years of anniversaries, for others the hurt and aching arms are new and heavy and raw.  My heart breaks for you, sister, and the loss you have endured.  And my heart HOPES with you, sister, for the steadfast promise of the sweetest reunion with our babes one day.  Much love to the Mamas that carried, the Daddies that mourned, the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods that would have been, and the Dear Ones that rallied to carry, cry alongside, acknowledge and remember.


Having a little girl has been equally glorious and challenging.  It is all I could have imagined and nothing like I expected.  I am soaking her up--Lucy Jane at 3 years old.  Messy piggy tails, wearing her 4th outfit change of the day, doodling (on paper--woohoo!) and paused for tiny minute in her busy, busy little season of non-stop until she drops.  The days are crazy and long and run together sometimes, but my cup runneth over and over and over again in gratitude for this life with her.  Never ever a replacement for our beloved Maggie (no such thing could exist in a mama's heart), but this little girl will forever and always be a sweet, sweet piece of redemption in our story. 



Blessed beyond measure to announce that our second daughter, Lucy Jane, arrived

at 9:34 a.m. on April 29, 2013 weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces and 18.5 inches long.

Words cannot begin to describe the depth of our JOY.

Our dear friend, Jayna, was gracious to enough lend her talent to capture our day in photos.

Our God is SO good and His love is extravagant! 

Thank you, Beloved Savior, for this precious GIFT!!!


My dear, sweet friend and photographer extraordinaire, Jayna, along with my beautiful little sister, Danielle (fabulous hair stylist and my make-up + fashion guru) got together and blessed me immensely with a maternity shoot.  Jayna snapped away, Danielle styled and assisted, and I could not wipe the perma-grin off of my face.  

I cannot believe I have been gifted this little girl growing inside.

My cup runneth over.

You have filled us with abundant JOY, sweet girl.  

 Our arms are waiting for you . . .